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Deliverable 7.1 - Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation Plan


Dissemination, communication and exploitation activities play a vital role within the HARMONITOR project. The project aims at an adequate and effective dissemination of its results and fluent communication of its activities at every stage during the project lifetime. Exploitation activities aim at ensuring that project results and methodologies are used by policymakers and by the certification and labels community to keep improving their certification schemes and labels (CSLs). The main dissemination and communication tools (website, blogs, social media, participation in renowned conferences, meetings, networking events and workshops, scientific publications, etc.) are listed in detail in this plan. The relationship between tools and the different target groups is explained, alongside suggested indicators for actively monitoring effectiveness.

Deliverable 7.2 - Initial Data Management Plan


The data usage foreseen in the HARMONITOR project combines original data generated during the project with building on existing data from earlier work by partners and relevant published data. The type of data foreseen to be gathered includes Background information of existing European and International CSLs (Certification Schemes and Labels): qualitative data from open public consultation on existing CSL issues, qualitative data from interviews and meetings with CSL stakeholders, trade flow data of bio-based materials from Eurostat, Comext, STIX, or FAOSTAT, bio-based material product certification information and volumes, inventory of key aspects of CSLs, application of HARMONITOR system and indicators on CSLs, direct and Indirect costs to achieve, Cost Benefit Analysis Database.

Deliverable 3.1 - Selection of Bio-Based Value Chains


The HARMONITOR project aims to improve the effectiveness of certification schemes and labels (CSLs) in different sectors of the EU Bioeconomy and therewith strengthen their use as a co-regulation instrument. As part of this project, production and trade data will be collected on bio-based value chains and their levels of sustainability certification. As a first step, 35 value chains from biomass to bio-based products or materials needed to be selected for further assessment. Furthermore, this selection will be used for work to be performed in other tasks within the HARMONITOR project, i.e., the selection and assessment of certification schemes and labels (in short CSLs), and the assessment of costs, benefits, and economic feasibility of CSLs.

Deliverable 2.1 - Inventory and Characterisation of Identified CSLs and Selection of Bio-Based Value Chains


To achieve its objectives, HARMONITOR, in close cooperation with its sister projects SUSTCERT4BIOBASED and STAR4BBS, develops a monitoring system. Furthermore, dedicated assessment activities analyse the status of sustainability certification in the EU bioeconomy and finally, HARMONITOR develops a platform for the cooperation and continuous improvement of CSLs. The basis for these activities is a joint definition of starting points for the project, which include the development of an inventory of CSLs and bio-based value chains. These starting points can be used by all HARMONITOR tasks and partners for respective analysis and assessment steps.

Deliverable 2.2 - Summary of Public Consultation Inputs


In order to understand what is the most adequate way for adapting the current benefits and opportunities of CSLs to public policy and expanding their reach in the EU, it is of utmost importance to consult stakeholders involved in the use of such practices. For this reason, HARMONITOR conducted an open public consultation with stakeholders that have an interest in CSLs. The consultation gathered input from stakeholders on important matters that impact the efficiency and reliability of CSLs. The feedback obtained from the consultation will be used to initiate the HARMONITOR platform and establish a foundation for the work packages (WP) 4 (review and analysis of selected existing CSLs for biological resources, bio-based materials and products), 5 (development and application of a CSL monitoring system), and 6 (quantification of costs, benefits and economic feasibility of CSLs). This report describes the methodological steps of the stakeholder consultation and presents preliminary results based on the inputs obtained as of May the 8th which will be used as a starting point for a stakeholder consultation workshop at EUBCE Conference taking place in Bologna in June 2023.

Deliverable 2.3 - Methodology Handbook for Benchmarking and Monitoring


To ensure consistent and comprehensive results in analysing CSLs, cross-Work Package (WP) coordination is necessary. To facilitate this coordination, Task 2.3 in WP2 is meant to create a methodology hub to facilitate the analysis of bio-based value chains and CSLs and ensure consistency and compatibility of results and data flows. The hub, made through the contribution of all the project partners, will coordinate the selection of methodologies that can be used across different project WPs. Its tasks will include coordinating data collection, discussing methodologies development and selection, preparing coherent results, data transferring and exchanging information with other projects with similar objectives under the ZERO POLLUTION call. The hub will serve as a platform for identifying connections between tasks and interdisciplinary project activities. Additionally, the hub will enable partners to collectively identify data sources and define methodologies for reviewing, monitoring, and assessing selected CSLs.

Deliverable 4.1 - Literature review and inventory of certification schemes and labels requirements


Part of HARMONITOR is the development of an inventory detailing key aspects for selected CSLs, including their activities, covered materials, requirements, assurance and governance systems. In conjunction with the methodology outlined in HARMONITOR’s D2.3 Methodology Handbook, this inventory will facilitate a comparative analysis of each selected CSL. The methodology for developing and analysing the inventories adopted a phased approach. Initially, 22 CSLs were selected for examination. This was followed by a comprehensive analysis of the chosen CSLs, assessing their general information and characteristics, environmental, social, and economic requirements, assurance system requirements and respective governance structures.

Deliverable 1.1 - Mid-term policy brief of the BiobasedCert project cluster


This deliverable is an output of the joint work of HARMONITOR, STAR4BBS and SUSTCERT4BIOBASED. A growing interest in the bioeconomy has spurred intense research and development activities as well as urgent attention to the circular design and the environmental, social and economic sustainability of bio-based materials and products. However, the sustainability of bio-based value chains can be hard to determine and regulate because chains can be long and complex with many intermediate products. CSLs are fundamental tools for enhancing and ensuring the sustainability and transparency of value chains

Deliverable 3.2 - Preliminary report on trade flows of biological resources, bio-based materials and products


This deliverable describes the trade flows of the 35 bio-based value chains selected in Deliverable 3.1 ‘the Selection of Bio-Based Value Chains’, with a specific focus on the further selection as performed in Deliverable 2.1 ‘Inventory and Characterisation of Identified CSLs and Selection of Bio-based Value Chains’. This includes an overview and description of the selected value chains, as well as production data of the associated biological resources and the trade flows at different steps in the value chain. Trade flows are given for the biological resources, both the dedicated and drop-in bio-based chemicals, as well as different fibre crops and textile products.

Deliverable 7.4 - Mid-term Clustering Report for BiobasedCert project cluster


The projects selected under the call “ZEROPOLLUTION-01-07: International and EU sustainability certification schemes for bio-based systems” include STAR4BBS (Sustainability Transition Assessment Rules for Bio-Based Systems), HARMONITOR (Harmonisation and monitoring platform for certification schemes and labels to advance the sustainability of bio-based systems), and SUSTCERT4BIOBASED (Sustainability Certification for Biobased Systems). These three sister projects have formed a project cluster named BiobasedCert. This report aims to: i) highlight the added value and purpose of the cluster; ii) summarise different clustering activities among the aforementioned three projects implemented during the first eighteen months; iii) provide an overview and explanation of upcoming joint activities aiming to further strengthen the ties between the three projects.

Deliverable 3.3 - Trade flows of biological resources, bio-based materials and products


This report describes the trade flows of the bio-based value chains selected in Deliverable 3.1 ‘the Selection of Bio-Based Value Chains’. These include bio-based dedicated chemicals (with a unique chemical structure different from fossil-based chemicals), bio-based drop-in chemicals (which have an identical chemical structure as fossil-based chemicals, allowing direct replacement), fibre and textile products (such as flax, hemp, jute, cotton, rayon, leather) and wood-based products (such as wooden packaging, paper products, lignin-based products), as well as their biological resources. The data was collected using Eurostat (Comext) and UN (Comtrade) databases and was summarized into an excel sheet, which was used to make an interactive pivot table.

Deliverable 4.2 - A detailed comparative analysis of each selected CSL


This deliverable presents a comprehensive evaluation of ten certification schemes and labels (CSLs) utilising the Comparative Benchmark Tool (CBT), developed using an outlined methodology, an inventory of key aspects of each scheme and the results of a benchmarking workshop held by participants of the Work Package 4 (WP4) of the HARMONITOR project in September 2023. The Comparative Benchmark Tool encompasses indicators for assessing environmental, social, and economic sustainability, along with assurance and governance aspects derived from the findings of the Task 4.1 of the HARMONITOR project’s WP4. The analysis presented in this deliverable identifies notable gaps across the CSLs, as well as strengths and gaps in each scheme following the requirements of Task 4.2 of WP4 of the HARMONITOR project.

Deliverable 6.1 - Online database with (in)direct costs and benefits of certification


Deliverable 6.1 presents a database of direct and indirect costs and benefits of sustainability certification for the bioeconomy. This report provides an overview of the methodology applied to collect data on direct and indirect costs and benefits, and summarizes key findings. The report is accompanied by a database, available for download.

Deliverable 3.4 - Level of certification and labelling of biological resources, bio-based products and materials


The goal of this report is to provide insight in the level of voluntary sustainability certification and labelling of a selection of biological resources, bio-based chemicals, wooden products and fibre-based products, using best available data sources, and best possible estimations in case of low data availability.

Deliverable 6.2 - Environmental Externalities of EU’s Bioeconomy


The goal of this report is to investigate the environmental impacts of the EU’s bioeconomy not just within its borders, but also outside Europe as driven by supply chain linkages, and estimate the monetary value of the impacts. This study uses environmentally extended multiregional input output1 (EE-MRIO) analysis and global MRIO tables from Exiobase2 for three years (2011, 2015 and 2022). The environmental impacts considered are GHG emissions, land use and water use.

Deliverable 4.3 - Validation and final comparison study of selected CSLs


This report summarizes an evaluation of ten selected certification frameworks aimed at promoting sustainability across various sectors. As global demand for responsible environmental, social, and economic practices continues to grow, the role of Certification and Sustainability Labels (CSLs) becomes increasingly vital. Notably, all the CSLs examined include bio-based products within their product scope. This report employs a tailored methodology, centered around the Comparative Benchmark Tool (CBT), to systematically assess each CSL against established sustainability criteria.

©2022 created by Delight Design to Harmonitor.

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